Sunday 9 July 2017

Palestine 1917

Yes, not all World War One battles must be in the mud and cold of the Western Front but can be in the dust and heat of the Middle East.  My "Palestine 1917" collection is one which I really have forgotten how/when/why I have the figures.  But as they are 1:72 (20mm) plastics, I changed my usual method of painting to a white primer, basic colours without much worry about "keeping inside the lines" and finished with a wash/dip. One of my very quick doings.  Not good by any measure but fine for this minor diversion.
Australian Mounted Infantry in the desert

In keeping with my current interest in Dan Mercey's series of "Rampant" rules, I thought to use his "The Men Who Would Be Kings" colonial rules for this campaign.  Not historical for sure, but it should give a reasonable game and is malleable enough.  I want to use airplanes (and tanks?) but I think even that is conceivable within the framework.

The organization of the units was the most difficult point, trying to decide, based on the numbers I had, and the suggested sizes of the rules; what would 'feel' best for the scale of game I wish to portray.  To be honest it is more the former than the latter which dictated the result.

An infantry unit (company?) will have 12 bases (of two figures each), an artillery unit (section or battery?) of four guns equating to the 4 crew in the rules and 4 machine guns again matching the number of crew within the TMWWBK rules. A gun is removed rather than any figures. The doctrine of the day had machine guns generally operating in whole units than independently as part of an infantry command; so the use of groups of machine guns is not strange and fits with their effect within the rules.
Ottoman Turk Infantry
Turkish machine gun unit
Turkish artillery.  Not well served in this game through rather poor dice rolling for them.
Turkish cavalry. Did give them the lance advantage in combat but were destroyed before able to use them!

The Australian mounted infantry would have been a challenge but surprisingly the HaT box contains 12 mounted versions, 9 on foot (in nice kneeling and firing poses, rather than some of the silly poses one often gets from the manufacturers in this scale of plastics) and 3 horse holders (actually looking the part!).  As the rules do not make a distinction between mounted and dismounted and suggests a mix of ‘operations’ a benefit, the box nicely fits within the scheme. Therefore each unit has a mix of poses.  One certainly could divide up the poses as so to replace the mounted version on the tabletop with the dismounted version should the unit dismount on the tabletop but the mix allows a doubling of the number of units.
Sample of the mounted infantry basing
my two units of mounted infantry. 

The morning before club night I made a spur of the moment decision to probably put on the game and thus a day of frantic cutting of bases, gluing of figures, quickly painting of bases, and making terrain occurred. Newly purchased hills at the last convention B&B made their debut as did some rocks I picked up along the way!

Still don’t know about the final terrain on the bases; whether I leave them as is , sort of old school,  or try to match with the mat better.  Simple is good sometimes.

During lunch I was quick reading the rules as this would be my first go at them. (lots of page flipping during the game unfortunately)

While the rules are certainly designed for the Hollywood version of colonial warfare, they adapt easily for this era.  However I did not give gone-to-ground or close order, etc. as these are not applicable to this era.

With modern warfare is less ‘personable’ , I did not use any leadership traits and leaders and simply gave all the Aussies 6+ and the Turks 7+ leadership - a historical reflection I consider (the rules range from superior 5+ or abysmal 9+)  Both have modern rifles but the Turks are downgraded in most categories.  Just means more of them on the tabletop!

 As the game was ad hoc, I gave the players (FrancisM as the Australians and DennisC as the Turks) a brief scenario and even briefer descriptions of their troops.    The Australian Mounted Infantry, as befitting their excellent war record, were significantly upgraded, while the poor Turks historically were seconded in this campaign and so downgraded with the result they have more units on the table including large numbers of machine guns and cannon.  The points were approximately the same for this game but much of the Turkish units could not redeploy against the Aussie attack on the flank of their hasty defence.
Start of the game. The Turkish wide deployment result of not sure the direction of the Australian attack as theirs was a desperate rear guard action.

I do have Australian infantry painted but they did not participate in this campaign, having been sent to the Western Front after Gallipoli.
FrancisM ever the comedian offered that:  “You know how the Aussies are. After a night of heavy drinking, they forgot the horses!”  So mounted infantry but without the mounts?, I reply.  “Exactly!”, he beamed.   Yeah, OK, I guess that works for me, I concluded.  I rated them as infantry nonetheless.

A significant action in the battle happened as I gave the beleaguered Turks a unit of horse; but as they came into the battle, the fortunate die rolling of Aussie firepower destroyed them.
The Turkish cavalry (bottom) already at half strength and pinned, would not make it through another turn unfortunately.
The rules have infantry and cavalry units with 360 degree arc of fire.

The effectiveness of the mounted infantry was certainly evident.  With future additions of heavy weapons they will be a potent force. But I think with a more historical use of defensive positions, well placed machine gun and artillery, should allow the Turks a better go of it.  

Monday 3 July 2017

a Tercey Campaign battle - St Sullivan's Church

We enter our second season of fictional campaigning along the Tercey during the times of the English Civil War.  I am using my very old collection of Foundry figures painted almost 30 years ago rebased and now using the new The Pikemen’s Lament rule  This is a record of my solo play.

Battle of St. Sullivan’s

Nathaniel (with eyeglass) and Archibald Wiser, the latest 'Tawney' commander (mounted),  in conversation


“So, Nathaniel, they cometh? You see them in your eyeglass?”

“Afraid so, Archibald. Looks to be Hampden’s Regiment.  They look good in their green tunics and red breeches”

“Yes, yes leave you sartorial comments til late! Who else? “

“Commanded by the mystery man himself. I see his sedan chair “

“ The Earl?“

“Sir Howard Hewes himself it would appear.  There is a unit of horse moving into the field yon. And a unit of dragoons I think.  Nerne’s poor lads? “

“Probably.  Hopefully their martial abilities have not yet improved for our sake. “

“They still outnumber us.“

“Unless our own Browne’s dragoons got the call “

“There is that; but Ballard’s lads both Shoote and Pike have proven worthy and Blare’s troopers are up to a good fight. “

“Yes, but the damned gun!  With its current…injuries…we cannot afford to be forced to retreat! “

“Ah, poor ‘Sister Margaret’.  She is old and here axle is worn out.  The gunners are trying to repair her mind you.

“Can she be fired? “

“Oh, I doubt it.  It would take a miracle I would think.  Divine dice from above “

“Well, I shall warn Ballard of the danger of the approaching enemy.  I shall have his shotte, who currently reside in the woods to move to its western edge and give fire to the Earl’s horse.  His pike will move up to protect the gun from assault and I rather think Blare would enjoy doing injury to the enemy. From whereth would Browne and his dragoons cometh? “

“ From the north I would think but when is only God’s knowledge“

“Well have the gunners make haste upon the repairs “

Still looking through his eyeglass, Sir Nathaniel Drake muttered to himself: “I would think they would have liked another few hours…. “

The Narrative so far

After their victory at Armoury Hill (previous post) the ‘Tawny’ army moved with “Sister Margaret”  the only cannon large enough to be effective in the siege towards the Earl’s Manor;  but it had broken down near “the old Saxon graveyard” at St. Sullivan’s Church (itself dating from the Anglo-Saxon era).

The Earl of Rockforth, Howard Hewes, not to be trapped in his manor, now leads a small contingent to try again to gain possession of the important artillery piece.
His ‘army’ of 16 points for The Pikeman’s Lament rules advances upon Archibald Wiser’s ‘Tawny’forces
The Earl's advance.  St Sullivan's church in the distance

The Battle

Hampden’s Pike rapidly moved up the road and formed close order upon seeing Ballard’s pikemen deployed on the crossroad.  Hampden’s Shotte moved to their right into the open field of haystacks, followed by Narne’s Dragoons (who surprisingly had yet to fail activation!)
Hampden's Pike

Nerne's Dragoons (lower) and Hampden's Shotte ( middle) move through the hay stacks while Hamden's pike move on the road (upper) 

This was not the case for poor Wingate whose order to move through the wheat field protecting the left flank was met with many activation failures no doubt due to, in large part, by his horses up to their fetlocks in mud which made his transit lengthy. 
[ the Earl…well OK me, as this IS a solo game…obviously failed to remember that rough ground of the wheat field filled with clawing mud from the recent days of rain, caused half movement ]

With six failed activations and counting, Browne’s Dragoons have yet to make an appearance leaving Wiser’s ‘Tawnys’ with only 12 points.  The gun could not be counted upon.
Ballard's Pike at the crossroads.  Their rout will change the battle.
In the middle, with both pike units formed in close order for the inevitable clash and Hampden’s
Shoote and Nerne’s Dragoons moving to the graveyard to flank Ballard’s grey clad pikemen, it came to their shock as Blare’s wild charging horse burst around the corner of the church and galloped against Nerne’s startled mounted infantrymen. Half of Nerne’s lads were casualties in the first round of fighting. The follow up charge had the rest of Nerne’s dragoons fall.  Two of Blare’s troopers were casualties.  Nerne did fight back however causing two casualties on Blare.
Blare's charge against Nerne's dragoons

On the Earl’s turn, the shock of Blare’s attack seemed evident as Hampden’s Shotte failed their activation which did not allow fire upon the close by enemy horse but any response to the attack. It looked grim for the Earl’s army.

However….Blare also held up any attacks as his troopers regrouped. [ They also failed their activation! ]  The stalemate continued for many minutes — as my die rolling again failed both sides for two turns! 

Hampden’s men finally shot upon Blare’s horse causing no hits however!. As they fumbled with their muskets, their regimental counterparts fell upon Ballard’s in a furious push of pike. 
Push of Pike

Casualties were even and so , as the attacker, Hampden fell back but was shocked to observe his enemy stuck with sudden shock and bolt from the field!  [ I rolled double ones for their morale!  Can I NOT roll such dice at critical times in this campaign?! ]

Ballard’s frightened pikemen shoved through the busy artillery men repairing the gun who did not seem the notice the pikemen engrossed in their task  {No doubt as I then rolled 10 for their morale so they ignored the rout through them.  Rather than the 3" rule, if a unit crashes into another, it must take a morale test as usual with the results applied.}

Blare’s horse now charged into Hampden’s Shotte causing 7 casualties after the obligatory pursuit. While battered, the shotte held together, Temporarily.  Obviously the Earl’s reproachful voice from inside the sedan had them feel as they failed their rally roll in ‘dramatic form’ (my poor dice once again!)

Well, Browne’s Dragoons finally arrive on the battlefield but hearing the gunfire halt to take stock of the situation. [ my famous double ones again (!) preventing activation ]. 

Wingate relieved to be finally clear of the muddy field was startled as musket fire fire erupted from the woods on the other side of the road before him. Only one of his troopers fell but the morale of his tired troopers barely passed the test (one less pip and ….)
Wingate's Horse facing Browne's Dragoons (left) and Ballard's musketeers (centre back) just before Ballard's desultory fire.

 With this Wingate was faced with Browne’s unit now rapidly upon his left, Ballard’s musketeers ensconced along the edge of the rough ground of the woods, but looking around calmly (no wild charge rule for him!)  he observed Blare’s depleted horse approaching the rear of Hampden’s pike.  He must try to block their way allowing the pikemen to take the gun. Ordering the charge (passing the Attack activation) he advances and wins the melee and so defeating the last chance for the Tawny to save their gun.

While the Earl of Rockforth’s fled with remnants of Hampden’s shotte , Wingate’s quick action to defeat Blare’s final charge did not save the gun for the Earl.
In a bid to disrupt the Earl’s plans, a brave artilleryman wields an axe and breaks the axle and destroys the touch hole rendering the old cannon dead. In addition the gunpowder went up in a huge explosion.
[ I rolled a 9 passing ‘activation’ of 9+ to have the artillery not repair but destroy the old gun.  The act of blowing up the gunpowder stores also succeeded in might blast of double fives! ]
the axeman destroying "Sister Margaret"
preparing for the explosion

So damaged and without ammunition, the Earl’s confidant and new military commander, Sir Stanley Primrose, remarked,  “Sister Margaret is no more”

The Earl and Primrose

Saturday 1 July 2017

an Italian late Medieval/ Early Renaissance retinue

This contingent has been one of my 'bus projects' being painted recently within the confines of a school bus while I wait for my passengers to complete their field trip.  While not very comfortable, I have gotten the 'logistics' of having paints, brushes, water, lap tray and the figures packed for transport in a small carry bag, to a well organized degree helps the process.
The six 2-crew unit of gunners
Depending upon the type of figures, I will paint only the "basics", that is to say, the pants, tunic, pack etc.; or more should the detailing be less sophisticated, such as these figures, I can do more details as I did with these including much of the basing.
The head-swaps and different paint schemes and figure-positions give more variety than would normally be the case.
While this retinue is created from many different manufacturers, the handgonne units were composed of very old Citadel fantasy types which certainly show a less fantasy and more historical if not entirely accurate look.  These were picked up very cheaply years ago and finally have a home in this collection. While only two sets of two crew each, with some head swaps and different paint jobs, I can create enough variety to not make them too boring. A few of the heads I have modelled early Renaissance headdresses for more variety and era identification.
The separate stand allows for casualties to be removed for each unit.

The color scheme is very basic with a red/white livery placed on tunic or leggings and the other clothing in various shades of green. (to mimic the modern Italian flag!).  A late medieval mix of clothing but at the same time, an appealing consistency.