Sunday 30 October 2022

1956 Sinai Tank Battles on the Tabletop

 Of course i am all-over the map with my painting, including doing a What a Tanker!  rendition of the Egyptian-Israeli conflict of 1956 (Suez Crisis) as had picked up cheaply some 15mm plastic kits T-34/85s and Shermans.  They did not fight against each other in WW2 but DID in the Sinai thus this joining my growing and rather eclectic collection of wargaming subjects. Only 4 tanks a side but still needed to be built and painted (and a whole lot of internet research as having very little knowledge of the conflict or the weapons!)

In the right background of the photo is my attempt at mocking up an Israeli M50 “SuperSherman” with the up gunned French 76mm high velocity  I use the Firefly or Panther fire rating for this gun. They had only a few during this war. 
M-50 Israeli Sherman
 Later the Sherman it would be up gunned yet again to a 105mm as the M51 but with the M4A1 hull not the presented M4A4. All the other ratings per the rules.  However I have the Egyptians always buttoned-up due to Soviet training doctrine and their crews 'poor' ignoring all Wild Dice but one and having extra to make hits.  This game had the Egyptians victorious over the Israelis nevertheless.  The T-34/85s are much more powerful than the Shermans within "What a Tanker" rules. 

The ‘on fire’ Sherman at left, is a result of me messing up on the two-part treads and, whilst tearing apart - after the glue had almost set - had it damaged too much…so I REALLY tore it apart!  It now becomes an obstacle on the rather featureless desert.

Thursday 27 October 2022

Chasseurs d'Afrique 1834


My small unit of 28mm Chasseurs d'Afrique during the French occupation of Algeria in the 1830’s.  This is much earlier than the Beau Geste era so the uniforms are more Napoleonic than ‘colonial’. 
I based the army as my original infantry I made (converted from Napoleonics in overcoats but with the distinctive tall red cap -see below) are the French Foreign Legion who would be sent to Spain in 1836 for the Carlist War.  The uniform in Algeria would be changed in the meantime. Thus the early time frame. Still flintlock muskets at this time.
Obvious not based up yet.  Made from Perry plastic ACW cavalry horses, 3 of the riders are also ACW but the others kitbashed from various Napoleonic bits - French and Austrian. A bit of scraping and different colour of paint hides the American-ish of them <grin> 
French Infantry in the common overcoats worn in Algeria (it can have quite miserable weather).
These are my earlier edition. I have subsequently have removed the tent roll and changed their epaulettes to red fringe and green to represent the Foreign Legion during this era. 

French Zouaves in green turbans (2nd Batt.) in 1834

Still haven't an opposition however. Sigh.  Might wait for the company "1898" to develop their Berber range or still have them as 'hidden' marksmen in hill and scrub....

Thursday 13 October 2022

Samurai Clash

 Hosted a Samurai game using Lion Rampant at the local mini-con.  

While the new 2nd Edition of the rules has the rule's author Dan Mersey argue for the one-failed-activation-and-you-are-done rule to be continued, I and many others have not done so as the players have felt dejected from not having any involvement for turns - or for the entire game in one famous event! However, as this game was essentially a four-way fight and each player only had 2 or 3 units, I made this original rule in effect.  Of course, there were many failures but this had the turns fly by and kept everyone very much engaged.  "What? My turn again? Excellent"

One event of the game stands out.  The banner of Okudaira Sadamasa was "stalled" lacking the activation to move with the army by PeterM's usual rolling.  However my also usual poor activation dicing had this prime target for the villagers to gain victory points out of reach.  This sorry state would last for much of the game, turn after turn.  Meanwhile the other players had a time with great slaughter.... 

The camera must have been on one of those funky settings.  The villagers are massed behind the building ready to come out of the gate...if i could only roll high enough dice.....

latest ancients/skeleton units

 Did some points counting of my Ancients armies with Dragon Rampant and came up with, if I purchased yet another box of the boney ones, I could even my three armies all at a nice large 32 points. 

The Romans got an additional "legio" 

A merge of Wargame Atlantic skeleton and Warlord Veteran Roman plastics

The textured marker is to indicate they have a 'pila' bonus to use adding to their attack. This is a small additional rule add by myself.  In typical Rampant style (along with evading and skirmishing at 7+) it must be activated and successful - or not - they are used up.

The Successor/Seleucids received a third pike unit making a nice pike block and a "mercenary Greek hoplite" sword unit.

Three units of pike combined.  If together, they move under only one activation (making movement all together).  Attacks and defence is increased and casualties are spread out making individual unit courage less difficult to pass.  

a Greek mercenary losing one's head for the upcoming battle......      The expediency of creating another figure to fill in the ranks of the unit, but not having enough legs(i.e. figures) to do so - as the Legio has 10, the pike unit has 11 and this unit with only 11 for the total of 32 plastic figures in the box - had me glue on arms backwards on a spare torso and squish out the hands to feet-like proportions so the miniature would appear to be gathering up himself after losing his head temporarily.

Yes, an all-together silly 'project' but serves my 'needs' all the while keeping the time consuming part shorter for an ancient collection - and I suppose also fantasy if I require.....