Saturday, 22 August 2015

Russian caps on Old Glory minis

The local gaming store had a moving sale and of course I had to go buy stuff...

One of the purchases was a discounted pack of Old Glory Napoleonic Russian infantry.  Now these were in caps - as pointed out on the label.  I hate the fact that I must use reading glasses to see any detail and I had forgotten these in the car.  As these figures were a good deal, I was going to buy them nonetheless; but upon getting home with my new loot, I was a bit dismayed -- although I shouldn't have been surprised -- by the quite incorrect look of the caps they sported.  Big mushrooms they were and not flat topped fatigue caps of the Russians of the time.  Now I do have many, many OG types and while they have faults, they are generally not too bad and, well, inexpensive.  These however........ I let the following picture show the silly cap of these fellows.

before (left) and after (right). After closer inspection they are not of the same pose but slightly different as Old Glory poses tend to be, however the difference of the cap is still apparent as all the poses had the same "mushroom" look to them.

So some time was spent literally taking a knife to chop the top half of the cap off and using a course nail file - the OG metal used is quite malleable (a good thing too as their muskets are always wrapped around their necks in the packaging and needs to be always bent straight again!)
You may also notice the mold lines on the knee of the figure on the left (not bad for Old Glory!) and that of the cap which needed to be dealt with let alone all the other bits need to be scraped of each model.  Don't know if plastics take that much longer to make.

However, as done, these will be used as my Russian Jager elements.