my original prototype |
The list of body parts:
Legs: Warlord ancient Celtic warriors (c.1st century BC)*
Torso: Warlord War of Spanish Succession (c 1700 AD)**
Arms: Perry French Dismounted Dragoons (c 1809 AD)***
Hat: extras from Perry box
Cartridge Box: cut from discarded sprues
Canteen: cut off from previously altered Austrian infantry (c 1809 AD)author notes:
*I had picked up a bunch of these half-built ancients from the B&B but were left with lots of legs remaining. Very odd posing due to excessively bent knees and the top of the hips at a 45 degree angle - or more! The creations certainly have a Games Workshop Orc-ish pose look to them. Monsters indeed!
** These torsos are offered as a few alternatives within the Warlord WSS boxes. Luckily a group of us collected enough to allow me to have sufficient amount of one type to make 24 of these in total.
*** These Perry arms are one-part with both arms/hands attached to the weapon so specific to their dismounted dragoon body. I happened to try these onto the extra Warlord WSS torsos and they fit surprisingly well and thus unexpectedly launching this whole project.
I loosely describe them as Hungarian to justify the ankle-tight trousers of the Celts. The Hungarians were known for similar attire. Unlike official or parade ground proper uniforms, reality would be a different story with unfulfilled supply especially to the lower rungs of the military establishment. It is my thinking that Hungarian militia would be very low indeed on the priority list and so liberties in their equipment could be made. Yes, the corsehut hat was probably not worn by any Hungarians but so very definitively Austro-Hungarian as not to use! As fashionistas say: the headdress makes the outfit!
So my existing French Dismounted Dragoons ( link ) will eventually have an opposition in my little frankensteins