Tuesday 28 January 2020
LotR bash - Fight for the temple
I am not a Lord of the Rings type of follower. I do not have any of the figures or such (the ones in this game are from a group effort using the Game Workshop minis). The fellows at the game almost kicked me out upon my declaration that I have not seen any of the films…. However, a tabletop miniatures battle is a universal thing and so I was not out of my element. I took a bunch of orcs, some with bow - who I subsequently demoted to mere warriors upon their distinct lack of hitting/killing anything!
The main target was the temple building which was defended by ChrisO and his Gondor heavy armour chaps who I wore down until Kev’s goblins could swarm up the walls and, ahem, overwhelm the defenders. It came to the last turn and the ‘end of the game’ roll which came just before the collapse of both sides (depending upon morale tests) as both sides were on their very last legs. All very nail-biting....
Of particular note was the newly painted Ent (a living, moving and fighting tree) who, while falling to the efforts of two trolls, did last much longer than expected - being fresh to the tabletop and all…