Purist historical players specially followers of Napoleonics, ACW, War of 1812, English Civil War, …well, all except perhaps those for the love of anything Roman, please look away now as I introduce my second only fantasy army…converted skeletons.
Frankly, the only fantasy army I can really tolerate are skeletons; probably because they are still human, albeit without flesh. (Yes, yes, so some may consider zombies, but have they not essentially become a different species?? And they are more apocalyptic than classic fantasy anyway)
Sitting in a box for years has been a Warlord plastic Early Imperial Roman collection together with accompanying Foundry metals (nice match those), but having already seven other Roman armies which I don’t play with, so it sat.
The idea started thumbing through an old war-game magazine had an article on “Broken Legions” showing skeleton/zombie Romans which looked interesting. I had just a couple of old skeletons of unknown providence which were made as a ballista crew for fun. (see previous post)
Anyway, one thought leads to another and so sorted through the box of plastics and metals to divide between those who should go to perhaps (??) a new “Infamy, Infamy” Roman army and those plastic types I could “sacrifice” for conversion into skeletons and for their equipment.
Careful counts were made to insure I had enough shields and heads (!) for the I,I Romans should I do those later.
New Wargames Atlantic Skeletons were selected for the fantasy Romans (*)
I suppose with Jason and the Argonauts old movie skeleton scene in my head (see: short YouTube ) with the remaining pile I went to work carving, gouging, removing, adding…
Used old wood dowels I had around for years to create a ruined temple. Originally made for just one of the units but liked it so much I spread the wealth so having each unit have a bit of temple for its bases. I found I could stretch the numbers a bit for a fourth unit. Running out of dowel pieces for columns, I made "more temple" with a spare metal Foundry Roman officer becoming a statue atop a cork stopper with its head toppled to the ground. ( …return of the Legions after the fall of Empire?…)
The emerging legionaries is again inspired by the movie scene. The four units are supported by a battery of ballista. Surprisingly had two more ballista in metal in the box thus the other army has enough and so could use all the plastics for this contingent.
As is becoming usual with my recent endeavours, no idea when I might employ this new army, but, and while my wife hates this expression, it is not the destination but the journey is the true purpose of life’s travels. I had much fun (and time!) doing up this collection. However the more I look at it the less skellie and more Roman it becomes.
(*) Timing is everything. I mentioned my interest in this to my buddy WillB, who offered a bunch of half-done Warlord plastic types (nee-Wargames Factory) but then immediately thereafter the LFGS contacted me that the long awaited product ‘I ordered’ finally came in. The two brands I consider not compatible so WillB’s have become medieval versions some with new 12th Century helmets/heads attached to be done later. A more traditional skeletal force to be sure.
( Although two of the emerging legionaries are indeed originally his creations as he was inspired by the movie and lead me in that direction.)