Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Paying more aTENTtion?

It has been awhile for the blog as the start of the school year in September is always a transition period.  The nice long days of summer are over (although in all honesty we are enjoying a very nice warm, even hot, stretch of beautiful weather.  Rare for the Vancouver region.)
So with the nice weather I do not really want to go into the 'cave' to paint and thus I find more 'slap on the paint' type things to do while outside or upstairs in the sunlight.  One of these were the 15mm 'pup' tents.
showing a small sample of the 15mm tents I painted

I had found obviously scrap pieces of long wood strips which had been used in home interior construction in triangular lengths.  I thus cut these strips into inch long sections.  While waiting between bus charters, I simply used hand held sandpaper to round off all the edges.[I previously did not do this and the results were not very realistic].  I then used a very large brush to paint the primered wood a light cream color and then a fine brush to add the shadows of the creased canvas.  Some of the tents were given a black color on the ends to portray an opening.
The rear tent is upset to show that all are indeed made from solid wood.

 I am debating whether to leave the tents or mount them on terrain pieces of 4 or 6 tents. Doing that, I can add more "lived-in" details which look good such as cooking pots, chairs, laundry lines, etc.  However that does limit the deployment somewhat.  I may do that with the 25mm versions and leave these as is.