In my recent war of 1812 fictional game, I again employed British rockets (post link ) to fun effect.
I have been asked to explain my rules I use. Simple really. I allow players to fire off two per turn. Each rocket/marker is a hex base (thick as to hold onto). The player then declares how many of the 6 inch moves he wants to make (obviously to hit the target) Pre-measuring is not allowed. For each 6 inch distance the player must roll a d6 dice. If he should roll 2 - 5, the rocket will go straight. But a roll of 1 will have it veer off 45 degrees to the left, if a 6 then 45 degrees to the right.
Let us say the player estimates the target is two feet away and therefore declares he will use 4 dice. The first roll is a 5. He then can move the rocket marker 6 inches straight ahead. The next roll is a 2. Again six inches ahead. His third roll is a 1 thus having the rocket veer to the left and move six inches. The "rocket" is now oriented not toward the target but in this new direction and from which the final direction roll is determined.
It might be noted that in longer flights, as this would entail more 6 inch segments than a shorter flight, there is more intrinsic chance of the rocket going astray. And if the player rolls unluckily he can have a random flight which can be as damaging to one's own troops as the enemy's!
In my rules, the flight of the rocket is sufficient to clear above soldiers heads. However any unit over which the rocket passes will cause it to be disordered. "Dutchie, look out!" The players can decide the damage caused, based upon the rules used, should a rocket actually hit a target!