A recent game I hosted went well I thought as the very simple home-brew rules survived intact from the constant wining and complaints from the boys of the "Francis' Regulars". The only legitimate complaint - the '"I can't win!" types don't count - was the varying unit sizes as the larger contingents did have a certain advantage in that all other modifiers were to be equal. So I decided to rearrange some of the units to have all equal at 10 figures each. Somewhat difficult as each of the Alternative Armies contingents have no consistency of scale and I have a bit of CDO {just like OCD but the letters are in the correct order!}
My goal for the year - and the next - is to complete some of the collections I already have and to have rules and organization ready prepared for future games. This 'Spanish line' unit is the last of the painting for these.
The "uniform" and colours are somewhat stylized as these are fantasy types and so the sculptor has made some interesting choices in equipment and clothing cut; but in general, the effect is Napoleonic in nature. My collection is solely focused upon the Spanish campaign and so if the elves are not French they form the Spanish contingent.
Having a new light for the table I simply took a photo before they go, if I am honest, into a box to languish for a long time before I put on another game......sigh.....
Well...at least for a year anyway... (a rather lame New Years Eve joke)