Monday 28 April 2014

a 'pause' for the blog...

For all three of you who follow my blog, I will have a bit of a break for a month or so as vacation preparations, and events out of town have or will limit any blog entries.

I will note, however, my disappointment at the ill-timed closure of the National Army Museum in Chelsea, London, England as of the end of this month and exactly one week before arrival in London on my vacation! For a military buff as myself that is a major disappointment and much akin to the mournful despair of the devout Roman Catholic priest finding out St Peter's will be closed during his only possible visit to the Vatican!
My wife however is in quiet glee no doubt knowing it is one less boring museum she must endure.....

Anyway, I will hopefully return with a full report on the "Enfilade" convention in Washington State for the end of May.
