Tuesday 1 April 2014

The paper buildings of Waterloo

With perhaps the same construction techniques as the contractors of new homes,  I went about building more of the paper buildings needed for my 100 Days Campaign project.
Actually paper buildings do have an advantage of weight, which for me was their primary attribute but also of being "painted"  or almost so. Yes the edging needed some touch up but easy enough.

While I have some ten of these Belgian/French farmhouse complexes to represent the many villages fought over in Napoleonic battles, the Waterloo specific ones are, of course, Hougomont which I completed previously, La Haye Sainte  and La Belle Alliance hotel, from which Blucher named the battle, and Fischermont on the Allies left flank.

LHS is cut down from the original as even scaled to 15mm, had too large a footprint on the table.  While all the buildings still do, they were an important part of the Battle of Waterloo and hopefully look good on the table.