Monday 7 February 2022

a Natives raid on Nateville

The Abenaki raid on Nateville.  

Gleaned from email correspondence between Nate and Mr. Brewster, and CC’s to me, apparently the natives got restless as it were and attacked Nateville while the bigger battle of Towe's Field was being fought (see my previous post).

  I have dutifully come up with the following:


While the large battle of Towe’s Field was occurring, some of the Abenaki warriors took it upon themselves to do a raid on Nateville.   

The local volunteers of Nateville had gathered to guard the town, while some were unwilling soldiers, many were pleased with the task.  The screams of war cries broke the afternoon air as a small band of warriors emerged from nearby and attacked the volunteers. The Volunteers were pushed back by the onslaught but either side did much damage. The natives followed up the charge but the Americans held their composure despite their timidness to fight.  It was the tired and hungry natives who decided their gambit had failed and they melted back into the fields.  

skirmishers or lights troops are offered additional cover despite being "in the open"

This was a very small affair using "Rebels and Patriots" rules, and with both sides fighting at half effect, so little loss (few dice throw and my traditionally poor rolling anyway, made for very few hits!)

This was an interesting game having only 1/2 effective units which makes each dice rolled that much more critical and actions proceed quickly.