Wednesday 23 February 2022

Snow play on a snow day….

The surprise snow we are receiving tonight has reminded me that I had not yet posted this game from many weeks ago my wife agreed to play a wargame with me (!!) - to be honest probably due to her boredom from being ‘trapped’ by all the snow our city had received the time! The simplest game I could develop was, ironically, my “Retreat from Moscow” - yes, the one with all the snow terrain! This game  is for the convention setting with all units each on large easy to move and measure circular bases, a very easy-to-digest rules (trimmed down Rampant style), and a straight-forward ‘get to the other end’ scenario. She and I played the parties of remnants of Napoleon's Grand Armee facing angry peasants, Cossacks and Russian regulars, with the occasional wild animal - all with a very random placement and action charts which does make for some interesting actions. Hopefully the use of clear or white dice and unobtrusive markers does not take away from the snowiness of it all.
overall table design.  A white table cloth forms the snow terrain
all the units are now on large circular bases which make moves and ranges very easy to calculate.  The game is very much designed for the convention setting.
Look out horsemen! The wolves are on your flank!